See our work on the map
The map shows most of the project's efforts in lakes and streams. Click on the needles and read about what kind of effort it was at each place. Feel free to go out and see if you want to see what it looks like in reality.
The stream Endalsbäcken near Herrevadsströmmen is an old floated channel that has now been restored to part of its stretch. The work was done manually with the help of iron skewers, muscle power and winch! During the work we received a visit from SVT who did a report on the work and the project as a whole.
A distance of about 80 meters in Anviksbäcken was restored and a walking barrier was fixed. A partially closed sidewalk regained its flow.
Previously, there was a barrier in the outlet of Bensjön in Bensjöån. We have removed the barrier and added more stone to the river to create structure and a more versatile environment. The picture shows the outlet which now is without barrier.
The Billsta stream
The stream Billstaån connects lake Näkten with the Great lake and is a typical environment for among other species migratory trout. It has been of great importance for both populations in lake Näkten and Great Lake where there are fish in Näkten which has migrated downstream in the Billsta stream to spawn, and fish in Great Lake that have migrated upstream in the river.
The stream has also been significant for both timber floating and energy production for a long time so there are multiple interests around the water in the river. As part of the project, Jämtkraft plan to install fishways around their power stations in the watercourse, a total of three, and to tear out a dam that no longer has a function for power generation. After the measures the trout again will be able to migrate up and down the Billsta stream.
Restoration of raft-cleaned part of Bodbäcken
Bodsjöbyån offers nice environments, but it is also somewhat influenced by log-driving, ie cleaned from stone and blocks. This has resulted in, among other things, valuable spawning area material being washed away. We have therefore added new gravel in place with good results for spawning areas.
Smaller actions in the lower part of the river Brynjeån to improve the accessibility of fish, increase the wetland of the river thereby providing better conditions for reproduction in the river. We have opened a smaller, dry-laid siding and laid cleared stone back in the riverbed.
We added some stone to the väckfåran in a place where remnants of an old pond created a barrier. The stone was used to raise the water level and thus remove the barrier effect.
Restoration in a channeled part of Fänån. Larger blocks from the beach zone were used to recreate a varied stream of water biotop and broaden the river by about one meter.
Forsaån offers a spectacular environment between Lake Locknesjön and Lake Bodsjön where the river flows along the rocks where rock carvings indicate that we humans have lived for thousands of years. The river also shows signs of long-term use and a bit below the lake Locknesjön outlet we have restored a channeled section. The picture shows the river where it flows at the Forsaleden between Forsa and the Herrevad stream.
We restored cleared floated channel parts of Gålesån with the help of Excavator. In some places, previous fishing maintenance efforts had been carried out in the form of straight thresholds. We "remodeled" a bit among these so that they would have better effect and give better benefit to the species living in the river.
Biotop care actions were performed in five points. Among other things, smaller barriers were removed.
With the help of about 30 tonnes of gravel in a selected fraction, seven new spawning areas could be built in the river. Existing necks were reinforced with larger stones to hold the gravel in place.
Restoration of Harrbäcken on the route downstream of the road drum. Stones that have been laid back in the watercourse create the versatile environment a stream will provide for fish, insect birds and anyone else living there. We also raised the water level downstream of the intersection slightly with the help of boulders as the current road drum constituted a barrier for fish.
The image shows part of the restored section.
Barriers were corrected and closed lateral watercourse were opened. Biotop care at play areas in the form of stones being pulled into the water at the spawning area to reduce the speed of the stream.
Restoration of floated channel clearings.
Manual restoration and gravel spawning area. In the image below, Robert and Håkan attach a loop around the stone which is then pulled in place with the help of a motor winch. After the restoration was completed, we laid out spawning area beds in two places.
Kilån is a log-driving affected river that we previously restored parts of. Now we have supplemented these actions with the addition of new material for spawning area.
Manual recovery in part of the Lerån. Lerån has previously been used in various industries, including tar production. There is some pollution left in the ground adjacent to Lerån, but they are not considered to pose any risk to the environment or human health where they are now. In order not to cause the spread of the sediment that may contain contamination, we have worked manually to avoid unnecessary disturbance in the soil and moved in the area downstream of the old tar factory.
Manual restoration of Lillörevattsån on the more streaming part of the section.
Lake Locknesjön
Lake Lockne is our "special lake" which was created by a meteorite, at the time when this area was still covered by sea. The lake has despite its size few tributaries, and part of the inflow comes from leakage of groundwater. The groundwater is rich in minerals which gives the water a greenish color. Lake Lockne has previously had a strong population of large arctic char, but it has decreased in recent years.
In this project we will work in various ways for better water quality in lake Lockne. That includes inventory of sewage input around the lake, and dialogue processes for more “water-friendly” land use. We will also cut reed in the lake outlet and improve char spawning grounds.
Locknesjön rödinglekgrund
In lake Locknesjön, the char mainly spawning on the eastern side of the lake. In the past, farms around the lake were forced to throw rocks on the ice in winter, thus creating good conditions for the char to spawning. Its shallow is used today by the fish with good results. What we have done is that in connection with these, and partly in building new sites in the same way, albeit on a larger scale. With the help of a helicopter we were able to lay out about 400 tonnes of stone and build spawning area outside Valne, Haga and Börön. We have also, on a small scale, put out char eggs from the lake's own fish on the shallows that are a little further from the existing ones. We hope to see the same good results we see today on the old shallows.
The picture below shows when the helicopter releases about 900 kg of stone on one of the surfaces.
A closed lateral watercourse was opened and a barrier was fixed. Cleared material was returned to the river. The result was eliminated barrier effect, increased wetland and higher quality of habitat. The picture below shows an area with slightly calmer water that can now serve as a growing area for fish.
In the vicinity of Löningsån lies the diversity park Märlingsberget, where the landowner SCA works to develop various natural values. At Öster-Märlingen, for example, there are hiking trails and resting places.
The Märlån are here and there affected by log-driving, which also show relatively unaffected high quality environments. We have worked manually, without a machine in Märlån, to access the parts that needed to be repaired without damaging the less affected parts. In the picture a lateral watercourse that had previously been closed. Now it is open for the fish again.
Restoration and biotop care in Mellanbäcken, which is part of an old floated channel.
Restoration of log-driving affected parts of the Mellansjöån river and the construction of new spawning areas for fish.
Lake Näkten
Lake Näkten is mostly located in the municipality of Berg. It is 37 km long and about 4 km wide. It has a unique archipelago of over 300 islands and islets. The lake is also home to a population of large arctic char. To strengthen the arctic char, we will within the project restore char spawning areas and release eggs in those to enhance reproduction. We will also remove migratory barriers between Lake Näkten and the Great Lake in Billstaån to promote trout migration and reproduction. Since Näkten is an important source of drinking water the municipalities will establish water protection areas for the lake to protect the water quality.
Näkten rödinglekgrund
The char is spawning in the southern part of lake Näkten. Unfortunately, it has abandoned many spawning areas and the causes are unclear. Maybe the regulation of lake Näkten has affected, maybe the fishing was too hard. As an attempt to spread the spawning and make it less vulnerable, we have created new spawning areas in places with good depth and streaming conditions. In total, we have used about 600 tonnes of selected fractions to create the underwater cairns.
We have also placed fertilized char eggs (from the Näkten-char) in the new casts in order for new fish to be incuse on the new shallows. So far we can enjoy because the hatching lookes good, but we hope to see signs of char spawning there in a few years.
The picture below shows baskets in which the char eggs was put out. We wanted them in a controlled environment to be able to follow up the hatching.
Orrbodån was greatly affected by the log-driving and our actions were to restore the biotope by putting back larger stones that had been cleared from the stream. The result was a more varied environment that allows room for more species.
Lake Revsundssjön
The lake is located in Bracke municipality and has an area of approximately 68 km². It has the character of a forest lake with clear water and is at most 40 m deep. It has a lobed shape with many bays, coves and headlands. The varied environment is home to trout, char and grayling as well as perch and pike. Many tributaries to the lake as well as the outflow - Gimån – was in the past used for timber floating. We will therefore work with restoring many streams to nearly natural conditions. We will also work with reed clearing, restoration of spawning grounds for fish and inventory of sewage discharges.
Manual restoration of the Sandnäsbäcken through several smaller efforts to restore the stream water habitat upstream of the road drum. Just next to the area we work in are old floated channel remnants, including in the form of an old pond that is protected because of its cultural-historical values. At first it can be difficult to detect the remains as they hide under some moss and other vegetation but they are there and tell about the activities that went on there previously.
A canalized section of the Snärviksbäcken was restored by cleared stones was put back in the river. The river also received a supplement of dead wood.
Restoration of log-driving affected parts of the Sörviksån.
The Sösjöbäcken offers a very nice environment for small trout. Unfortunately, the road drum under Kyrkvägen has constituted a barrier as the drum is quite high. To solve the problem, we have raised the level of the water slightly just downstream of the drum by means of boulders, which makes it available for the trout.
Traditional restoration of the Strulån. At the outlet, the remains of an log-driving pond were demolished and replaced with a an threshold in stone making it accessible for the fish.
Restoration of the Svarthålån on the part of the river where good stream water habitat could be recreated. The river has previously been dug up and got a more straight stretch than it originally had. We judged that the benefit of returning the original stretch was relatively low at the same time as the costs would have been high, so we left the existing stretch and focused on the sections where the restoration is of greater benefit.
Inflow to Tryggsbäcken
In the channeled inflow to Tryggsbäcken, we have performed biotop care to create better conditions for the species that live there.
Biotop care for better habitat for the species living in the stream.
In Utskuckuån, we are restoring a cleared part of the river upstream of the road drum as well as a channeled section downstream of the road drum.
Manual restoration of the Värsjöbäcken. We restored part of the watercourse where it was possible to recreate good streaming habitat. The work was done manually.
Reed cutting Bensjön
In the lake Bensjön, there has been a growth of reed for a long time, and the spread is large. In principle, reed grows along the entire northeast seaside. In the project we do not have the opportunity to remove the reed throughout the whole lake but focus on opening up the outlet to avoid accumulation of material on the lake bed there. The picture is taken after the reed was cut in September 2015.
Reed cutting in Locknesjön
At the outlet of lake Locknesjön (at the Bruselet), the reeds have grown heavily. We will cut it in rounds over the following years to keep the outlet open and the flow under way. Pictures from the work during the summer of 2015.
Restoration and biotop care in Vaxsjöån, Våle. In the past, there were many timber log-driving. The recovery was somewhat extensive. Following-up with electric fishing in 2017 showed great results as there was already plenty of small trout in the river!